Monday 5 April 2010

Him Indoors in the Himmy

Last month I headed into town early, before the Pudfest, to meet a PR consultant from an agency representing a number of food industry brands. The main reason for our meeting was an informal chat arising out of our email correspondence, about how PRs approach bloggers, what (in my opinion) works and doesn't work in terms of these approaches, what the benefits are to both sides of good communication and so on.

It was a lovely chat and I'm sure this agency will avoid some of the more entertaining PR fails (such as one recent email asking bloggers to post about their client's cookbook, without having seen copy of said cookbook to assess, and by the way, can the post go up today or tomorrow please, in time for St Patrick's Day?) They got a bit of coverage on twitter, but not the kind they had been hoping for!

The meeting wasn't really about any of the brands the agency represent but the consultant did bring along a few items for me to try including some Seeds of Change pasta sauces. I think it's a shame that, in the UK, Seeds of Change aren't actually offering any seeds - they started business in the US selling organic seeds, including many heirloom varieties. In the UK, they only sell organic sauces and other food products. But perhaps there is more competition in the arena of organic and traditional seed varieties in the UK already?

Pete looking crazy; Pete looking serious

I'm yet to try the sauces but I absolutely adore the "Himmy", modelled here by my handsome husband, Pete. This apron for men was designed by Todd Lynn to mark the launch of Philips'
Robust Collection. It's a bloody lovely apron, I must say! I haven't seen the Robust collection other than looking at online product listings, but they do look very nice.


foxie said...

When I buy pasta sauce, Seeds of Change is the brand I always opt for. Unfortunately (for them) I have the time now to make sauce from scratch the vast majority of the time.

Kavey said...

Thanks Foxie, that's good to know. So you recommend then, then? I really need to try mine - now I'm going back to work, probably will be more inclined to use ready-made sauces!

azelia said...

I love these photos of your man indoors Kavey...very cute.

so I read you ate his brioche recently? when are we going to see a post on that? let me know :)

Food Urchin said...


Mum said...

The man is lovely as ever, but not sure about the apron, it looks weird!!

Emily said...

Hi Kavey,

It certainly looks different from those plain and boring aprons we are accustomed to. I'm digging the apron on Pete though! :)

Kavey said...

Heh, thanks... what doesn't come through very well in the images is that it's slightly shiny in nature... an odd, robust fabric.