Sunday, 29 January 2012

Kavey Eats on the BBC: A Question of Taste

If you're in the UK and like watching food shows, you've probably already seen, or at least heard of, A Question of Taste.

It's the pilot series of a new quiz show currently airing on BBC2 on Monday nights. Presented by Kirsty Wark, it seems loosely based on the format for A Question of Sport. In a nutshell, two teams of foodies compete for points but no prizes, by answering a range of questions on ingredients and cooking techniques, TV cookery shows and chefs, and even a little food history and science.

Yours truly is one of the contestants; my episode airs at 7.30 pm, Monday 30th January on BBC2.


My fellow team members are Danny and Dan and together, we are Three Like To Eat.


Produced by Silver River, the company launched by successful producer Daisy Goodwin, I don't think the show quite hits the mark and I'll be surprised if the BBC commission another series, though you never know; food TV is still hot property and this is that rare entity – a family show for all ages, if they don't get bored silly.

Kirsty Wark is a good presenter, I like her personality and her style, though I'd prefer to see her engage in a lot more banter with the contestants, and make the show more fun and lively. As it is, it feels stilted and dull! The torturous run-through of the rules before each round is… boring in the extreme! And I know I'm not alone in finding William Sitwell's role in the Kitchen Corner particularly annoying and patronising, even more so having seen that he doesn't know in real life the information he's reading out as the resident "expert". Ever since Countdown had a lexicographer on hand to provide alternative answers and extra information, it seems that other quiz shows feel they must follow suit, and here, it doesn't seem to work.

That said, I did have a lot of fun participating!

I know I'm going to cringe my way through this, not least because the need to smile throughout filming was strongly impressed on us before we went on air. I'm convinced the result will be Danny and I gurning at each other, whilst Dan looks suavely on!

There's also a point at which Kirsty miscalls us Three Like It Hot, which makes me giggle for some time. But after the quiz is finished, the crew have her run through a number of do-overs, including that segment… so the audience won't understand just what I'm giggling at!

For me, it's been great fun watching the series, as every episode has featured friends of mine, usually at least three people and in one episode, all six contestants!

Watch, enjoy, giggle with derision, but be gentle! :)


Debs @ The Spanish Wok said...

I've not heard about this, but that's really no surprise as Barry draws the line at the amount of food related TV I watch. I get him back though by banning a large amount of westerns and war films!!!!

Anway, I thall watch your eposide, no discussion!!!!!!

Looking forward to it. Thanks for the heads up, x

Laura said...

How fun! Hope I catch the episode tomorrow!

Unknown said...

Fame Kavey! Sad I can't watch it over in Oz...

meemalee said...

Kavey Eats, Food Urchin, and Essex Eating - sounds like a dream team to me!

Anonymous said...

I'm watching right now! I recognise most of you guys from Twitter.

You are right when you say it is a little stilted at times but on the whole I enjoyed it.

I think I recognise Julie on the other team too - do you know her blog address?


laura@howtocookgoodfood said...

Thought your team did yourselves proud, being both knowledgeable and very well behaved!
I can imagine it feeling very strange watching yourself on the telly. I love some of the very obscure things they ask that no-one will ever really know the answers too :0

celina Mann said...

Hi Kavey - It's Celina here from the Russell Hobbs Comp. I like this show and watch it each week so was happy to see you on it! Agree with your comments - and what - no prize!!! You deserve something for your hard work. Well done

azelia said...

Just managed to watch 5mins of it Kavey and actually not a bad programme for foodie people but how annoying it is to have the questions continuously broken up by the "fact" bit with're right..found it too annoying to watch. They need to make it more like QI and have the presenter deliver the facts. This format brakes up the flow of the show making it stilted.

Anyway I thought you guys did well! Well done!

Katie said...

I didn't know you were going to be on and just happened to sit down to watch it with my family. When you came on I instantly recognised you and yelled you 'I know her!'

Was great to see you and your fellow teammates and thrilled you won. I agree with you about the set up of the show but feel its a proper foodie quiz which is nice

Anonymous said...

How exciting! Yes I can see how you guys are smiling alot in this pic :)

Anonymous said...

How exciting! Yes I can see how you guys are smiling alot in this pic :)

Kavey said...

Thanks everyone, ha, hope you enjoyed watching us!!!

Sarah Trivuncic Maison Cupcake said...

I've enjoyed seeing people who I know appearing and found answering questions fun but agree format has been off.

It could have been lively and irreverent like Have I Got News for You or Never Mind The Buzzcocks but instead was more like Only Connect on BBC4.

I would only watch in future if it was faster paced with more suitable presenters. Must have been fab filiming something at TV centre though, especially since they won't be doing stuff in that building for much longer, regardless of the show, it would be worth taking part for that reason alone!