Monday, 31 August 2009

The Ultimate Pong Cheese

Anyone who knows me well knows how I feel about cheese! I adore it. The riper, smellier and stronger the better! Soft cheeses so ripe they are practically oozing their way off my plate. Blues that are pungent, sharp, creamy and piquant. Delicious rinds containing flavoursome cheesey goodness that makes me grin with delight!

So, when I became twitter friends with Matt of Pong Cheese, online purveyors of fine quality cheese, I whiled away some happy time salivating over their website.

But what's this? In their tempting online shop I found a selection box for men and another for women, a set of cheeses recommended for connoisseurs, a range ideally suited to a picnic and even cheeses grouped by city or country of origin. All well and good.

But where were the strongest and smelliest? Those cheeses so beloved to those of us who love the ultimate cheeses?

Ever responsive to the wishes of cheese aficionados (or should that be desperados?), Pong Cheese responded by creating The Ultimate Pong Box! An olfactory and gustatory whallop! And since I'd proposed this new box, Pong very kindly sent me one to check out!

The Ultimate Pong Box arrives!

Opening the box feels like my birthday has come early (though as it's next month, the timing isn't bad, actually!)


Epoisses is one of my all-time favourite cheeses in the world and I buy it often, most commonly from Waitrose, who offer a great selection of quality cheeses. Unctuous verging on sticky, the smell of this Burgundian cheese is often compared to smelly socks or sweaty boxers but don't let it's foetid reek put you off – this is a cheese to be reckoned with. Very ripe on arrival, the marc de Bourgogne-washed rind was liquidy and the inside was spreadably soft. The taste didn't disappoint, delivering a heady kick of pungent meaty savouriness or umami.


Next up is Munster, a cheese I've tasted only a few times before and not for quite some time. Next to most cheeses it's a stinker but far less of one than Epoisses. Also made from cow's milk, in the mountains of Alsace, this is a smooth, creamy flavoursome cheese. The rind is milder than I had expected, though perhaps that's only in comparison with that Epoisses. The cheese has a lovely sweet salty taste.


From France to England and a cheese made at Neal's Yard Creamery in Herefordshire. Finn is, as Pong put it: "an amazingly stunning soft cheese: rich, luxurious and devilishly oozey." Made from unpasteurised cow's milk and suitable for vegetarians, Finn is the only triple cream cheese made in England. It has a mouldy white rind around a butter yellow interior which, if the cheese is left to ripen fully, likes to make a run for the side of the plate! The taste is as gratifyingly rich as one would expect from a triple cream soft cheese but it also has the unexpectedly tangy sharpness of a blue cheese without the blue!

Oxford Blue

And on to the Oxford Blue, the only one of the four cheeses I had not tasted before. Pong's website tells us that the cheese is made on a small scale but becoming very popular, and I can certainly understand why. This creamy, semi-soft blue was apparently developed in Stilton in 1993 as a creamier alternative to the traditional harder blue of the area. It's fabulous! The rind is white with patches of grey and brown mould. Inside is a phenomenally goeey cheese with generous veins of blue that provide a very, very moreish depth of flavour. This cheese is also suitable for vegetarians.

Any negatives? Well, only a couple of minor ones:

One is that the cheeses were at different levels of maturation/ ripeness and therefore not suitable for serving on a cheeseboard at the same time, which I would have liked to do. It might be nice to offer an option on the website to specify whether customers would prefer their selection to be ready simultaneously or not and also whether they'd like them at optimum ripeness on arrival or a few days later.

And the other point is that while the packaging is sufficient if you're at home to take delivery the box couldn't really be left outside (in a specified place) until you're home, as is the case with other fresh food suppliers. This may make it more difficult for office-based customers to take delivery.

However, all in all, the box is an absolute treat. If you are ever struggling to think of a gift for a foodie friend (me in particular) you should look no further! And, of course, this is also a great option for those of you not fortunate enough to live locally to a great cheese monger's but wanting your fix of high quality cheeses.

Would love to read your feedback on other Pong Cheese selections!


Friday, 28 August 2009

Got A Beef?

Quite a while back, we expected a bone-in joint of beef but were accidentally sent a boned one instead. Abel & Cole's customer service was on the ball and arranged to send us the correct joint at a later date.

2 rib joint

The meat itself had a good rich red colour as expected. I was slightly surprised that a layer of fat had been tied on to the joint - all the boned rib joints I've bought have simply come with their own thick layer of fat in tact. And the dark grey area showing between the pieces of fat was a little off-putting too. But I'm a strong proponent of trusting one's senses and as it smelled fine, I popped it into the oven to roast.

Out of the oven and rested

So, what did I think? Well, honestly, whilst this was a tasty piece of meat, it didn't come close to matching the flavour of that accidentally received boned rib I raved about before. This was a perfectly decent, good quality piece of meat but not one that made me want to sing out loud. Not one that made me think about putting my Christmas order in here and now.

(I wondered if I'd misremembered how good that boned joint had been but, a couple of weeks later, we defrosted the other half of that boned joint - which had been too large for just the two of us to use in one piece - and my excitement was renewed all over again).

Leftover beef went into a tasty, crunchy salad the next day including home-grown carrots, supermarket red onion, spring onion, cucumber and sugarsnap tossed in a simple home-made salad dressing.

Crunchy leftover beef salad

The bones are in the freezer to be made into stock.

So, is there a case to be made for Abel & Cole including the suppliers' names on each package of meat they send out? Certainly, if I felt there was a reliable way for me to order beef that would equal the first (boned) joint rather than this bone-in one, I'd place my order now. As it is, I can't justify spending that kind of money on what could very well be no better than the considerably less expensive meat I can get in my local supermarket.


Monday, 24 August 2009

Kavey Eats & Mamta's Kitchen @ Covent Garden Real Food Market - Thursday 27 August

The day of reckoning finally approaches - I'll be hosting a stall at the Covent Garden Real Food Market this Thursday, 27th August!

As I have mentioned previously, I signed up a few months ago to participate in a collaboration between food bloggers and market organisers. Members of the UK Food Bloggers Association are taking it in turns to host a UKFBA stall at the market and my turn has finally arrived.

Several weeks ago I made the first goods for the stall in two marathon days with my mum and a (godsent) visiting cousin. We made chutneys, pickles, ketchups, jams and marmalades which we bottled into my beautiful hexagonal 8oz jars and my mini 1.5 oz jars.

Since then I've also made some fudge, designed and printed labels, worked out costings and prices, bagged up the fudge, stuck hundreds of labels onto hundreds of jars and cut out a ridiculous number of squares of organza which I've secured to the 8oz jam jars with elastic bands!

The next couple of days will see me baking jam tarts, brownies, biscuits and cakes and pulling everything we need to take together and packing it all into boxes. It's a surprisingly big list when you get down to it!

Whilst I'm really looking forward to the day I'm also quite nervous about it, even though I am, believe it or not, doing this for fun! Having always enjoyed browsing and buying from food markets such as this one, I think it will be quite an experience to be on the other side of the stall for once!

The stall will most likely be located on the cobbled area to the East of the covered market in Covent Garden (though if it's not there, check the West side as it did move on one occasion). And we'll be there from noon to 8pm (though we'll probably be up and running an hour earlier and we may slope off early in the unlikely event we sell all our stock).

Pete and I will be there the whole time. My mum (Mamta of Mamta's Kitchen) is hoping to be there for a couple of hours between 1pm and 3pm though as she's landing back home tomorrow she may be too jetlagged on the day.

I'd LOVE for friends and readers to come and visit us at the stall - no obligation to buy anything but would certainly appreciate the support and it would be great to put faces to names for many of my online friends.

If you do come along, please introduce yourself to us!

Wish me luck!

Saturday, 8 August 2009

Kavey: More Of The Story

Way back in May I asked readers of my blog (plus foodie friends elsewhere) to pose questions for me to answer as part of an introductory post for my newbie blog's 2 month anniversary. I didn't meet my deadline and managed to post the first set of responses back in June, focusing on those relating to my childhood food memories and experiences.

I've been meaning to post another slew of answers for ages and ages and ages but kept forgetting to pull the draft off my USB stick - how crap an excuse is that?

So, without further ado, here's more about me as told through food:


Monday, 3 August 2009

A Natural Grazer (+ Free Trial Code for Graze)

Humans evolved, so I've read, as foragers. Eating a predominantly fruit, vegetable, nuts and seeds diet, our ancestors ate little and often. Whether they turned to meat because we couldn't find sufficient edible flora or simply by watching and learning from predators, it's clear that the ratio of meat to non-meat we eat has steadily increased over the millenia, especially in recent decades. And, in the majority of cultures, we've fallen into a pattern of 3 main meals a day rather than small, regular grazing.

Of course, fewer larger meals fits in much more easily into our modern lives, segmented as they are into work, play and chores. But I often come across suggestions that some of us might benefit from a shift back towards the little-and-often pattern of those long-ago ancestors. Certainly, it might alleviate those after-meal crashes where one's body feels lethargic and bloated as it struggles to digest a large volume.

What is Graze?
All this was loosely in my mind when I started reading blog posts from friends who signed up with Graze to receive regular deliveries of fresh and dried fruit, nuts and seeds packed into handy boxes posted directly to their work or home addresses.

I'd been meaning to investigate and try them out myself for quite some time when a twitter friend posted a free trial code that finally prompted me to check our their site.

A single graze box costs £2.99 including delivery and usually contains one large portion of fresh fruit plus one medium and one small pack of dried fruits, nuts, seeds or mixes. The box is sized to fit through a standard letter box and the packaging is recyclable.

Although you can't specify the contents of each box, you are encouraged to spend a few moments browsing through the various categories (including fresh fruit, dried fruit, nuts, seeds, savoury snacks, olives and mixes) to rate each option as either bin, try, like or love. The first means you'll never receive the item, the next that you're not sure but are happy to try it and the other two indicate how much you like the item and hence how often you'd like to receive it. The idea is that, as you graze your way through each box, you pop back onto the site to update your ratings resulting in boxes that match your personal tastes ever more closely. (Clicking on an item produces a pop up with further information on the contents).

Some Grazers use their boxes to achieve a steady level of energy through the day, replacing lunch with all-day nibbling. Others use the natural snacks to restore energy when they're flagging. Me? I've geared my boxes towards the more decadent options such as frosted cashews, lemon salted pistachios, dried mangoes, seaweed peanut crackers... and simply enjoy the contents of my boxes as a tasty treat!

Pros and Cons
So the pros are tasty, natural treats conveniently delivered to one's door.

What are the cons?
Cost is probably the first one. Whilst the price is not unreasonable for a variety of nibbles in handy packets, delivered directly to your door it's also true that one could assemble one's own packs for significantly cheaper.

The second is the reliance on Royal Mail for delivery. My first box (for which I was re-credited) was due on a Friday but didn't arrive till the following Tuesday, by which time the fresh fruit was rotting. The second box was hit by the postal strike but arrived only one day late - however Graze had cleverly re-designed the box in advance to exclude the large portion of fresh fruit and replace it with an extra medium and small pack of the longer life dried items.

What I'd love to see is the option to deliberately choose the dried goods only configuration, regardless of whether a postal strike is expected. This would make the boxes more flexible for me, as most of the dried packs have use by dates a few months in the future.

Free Trial Code
If you'd like to try Graze for yourself, enter code 21Q63KF to get your first box absolutely free. (Each time the code is used, I also get a £1 back, just so you know!)

If any of you do go ahead and try Graze, I'd love to hear about your experiences and opinions. Happy munching!

Edit: I have since had a go at creating my own graze boxes and realised that the pricing is actually very reasonable!

Saturday, 1 August 2009

Quick Puff Pastry Tart

Having some leftover fresh mozarella balls and proscuitto slices in the fridge, not to mention a third of a home-grown yellow courgette, I sent Pete off to buy some ready-made puff pastry, fresh tomatoes and fresh basil for a quick and tasty evening meal.

After scoring a border around the edges, I layered slices of tomato and courgette, broke up the soft squishy mozarella and dropped it evenly across the top and then threw on some fresh basil leaves to add another flavour and colour.

After about 20 minutes in the oven the tart was cooked.

I distributed the proscuitto slices over the top, in scrunched up piles and dinner was ready!

Not the most elegant presentation but it was quick, easy and tasted wonderful!