Friday, 6 June 2008

Yay! First home-grown produce of 2008 for dinner!

Tonight we ate our first home-grown produce of 2008 - a lovely small yellow courgette. We just had a simple salad (having eaten a big lunch) with cos lettuce, baby plum tomatoes, sliced dry-fried red pepper and a "dressing" which was actually just the extra low fat creme fraiche with some french mustard mixed in. The courgette was just sliced in half along it's length and also dry-fried.

So sweet and tender.

Nothing like picking something from your own garden and eating it less than an hour later!

We've steadily been increasing the amount we've grown over the past few years and as now the shiny new greenhouse is finished we're off and running! My mum gave me two small courgette plants as she'd ended up with quite a few from her seedlings which is just as well as the seedlings we planted this year simply didn't germinate at all! Also in the greenhouse are three tomato plants (different varieties), two pepper plants (doing OK but not great) and an aubergine plant (struggling). And seedlings for carrots and sweetcorn that need to be planted out. Outside we've got garlic, red onion, leeks (very tiny still) and the first earlies. We also have a large plant from one of last year's spuds we managed to leave in the ground. The maincrop spuds are loooong overdue to be planted so we'll try and do on Sunday.