Thursday, 6 November 2008

Memories of Food Foraging

Someone on the BBC Food Chat board asked about our memories of food foraging.

My response came out more poetic than I'd intended, as I wrote it off the top of my head, without pause:

  • Cockles gathered on the beach, shuffling through the sand with our bare toes, occasionally getting pinched by a disgruntled crab...
  • Mussels pulled off decaying wooden break-waters...
  • Blackberries foraged in country lanes and out in the fields...
  • Walnuts collected from the ground and dried in the French autumn sun...
  • Chestnuts gathered in a field full of trees --- and possessive cows who laid cowpat landmines to impede our passage...

Wednesday, 1 October 2008

Mini Restaurant Reviews: Cardiff, Wales

Pete and I spent a weekend in Cardiff recently, to attend the Cheese Festival and to celebrate my birthday.

Here are reviews of the following:
Dinner and Breakfasts at Ty Rosa B&B
Coffee & Cake at Craft in the Bay
Lunch at Madame Fromage
Woods Brasserie


Birthday Potterings + Restaurant Review: Maze, London

Yesterday was my birthday (and my sister's too).

Lazy waking to kisses and cards from Pete and calls from sister. No plans for the morning, just catching up on some fun stuff such as helping my dad with the itinerary for the trip he and ma are making to Kenya next year (I do love planning trips), packing up and posting a photographic print sale, catching up on a little web surfing and starting to write up a review of the weekend trip to Cardiff. Oh and a lovely lunch at my local Italian, La Lotta, looked after by the lovely Bob and Eva.

In the afternoon I headed into Bloomsbury to meet a friend who shares my birthday. She'd read recommendations of an elegant cafe near her college where we enjoyed extremely good Valrhona hot chocolate and outrageously huge meringues.

Satiated, my friend headed off to class and I hopped on the tube to China Town where I enjoyed a relaxing massage in a China Town beauty salon. On this occasion I was treated by Emi, a slip of a girl from Japan who applied a little basic stretching and massage before hopping up onto my back with both feet. She used her full body weight (which was just heavy enough) to perform some very welcome stretching, pushing and manipulation before jumping back down and moving on to a regular oil-based deep-tissue massage of back, neck and shoulders. Oh, and feet too, that was good.

Feeling relaxed I splashed out on a black cab to Maze, one of the Gordon Ramsay stable of restaurants, run by head chef Jason Atherton. I sat in the bar with a mojito and my book until my sister arrived and we headed to our table. (For anyone left who doesn't know, my sister is exactly 3 years and 5 minutes younger than me, yes, yes we do share the same birthday without being twins, how extraordinary! ;)

We opted for the Tasting Menu which was the reason (along with hearty recommendations from foodie friends) that I picked Maze:


Friday, 19 September 2008

Mini Restaurant Review: Ten Ten Tei, Brewer Street, London

Last night a friend and I went to Ten Ten Tei for dinner. What a fantastic find! My friend had googled for Japanese restaurants that did more than sushi as I'd said I loved sashimi and tempura but wasn't a fan of sushi. He'd stumbled on a listing suggesting that TTT offered the best Japanese food in London. I'd have to agree!

We ordered a mixed plate of sashimi, prawn tempura, some side orders of grilled aubergine with soya bean paste, grilled smelt, deep fried lemon sole, chicken yakitori, gyoza and a dish of pork and ginger and washed it all down with green tea plus some warm saki for my friend.

The food was absolutely fantastic, though the manager seemed amused at how much we ordered. The bill, including that saki and service was £53 between us.

Fantastic, fantastic place!

Monday, 4 August 2008

Weekend spoils from our back garden "allotment"

Shortly after getting home from Wales on Friday we checked out our plants in garden and greenhouse. All had been kindly watered by our neighbour John. We found the first three ripe tomatoes on one of the three tomato plants in the greenhouse and ate them surrounded by that wonderful smell of tomato plants!

Every meal bar one this weekend included produce from our garden.

For Saturday lunch we had scrambled eggs on toast with finely diced raw red onion sprinkled over. Pete pulled about 3 bulbs which were all quite small but we’re hoping those we’ve left in will be much larger.
We also harvested the first two green peppers (which weighed in at 156 grams between them), roasted them with olive oil and had them with some ragu and pasta on Sunday evening.

And we had our home-grown spuds with our dinner on Friday and Saturday evenings. These were Red Duke of York variety.

The yield from 12 or 13 Red Duke of York plants was only 6.5 kilos in total which is a bit disappointing compared to the yield from last year’s Edzell Blues (which we’ve also enjoyed some of this year having some rogue plants pop up from tubers we obviously failed to harvest last year) although a few of the individual potatoes were much larger. I am hoping for more from our main crop which are still in the ground.

The sweetcorn had finally had a growth spurt and is finally showing the tufty flower bits at the top that mean cobs are being created. Judging from the foliage the carrots are growing well too. Leeks are looking great. Oh and my chocolate peppermint plant is doing well too. I took some cuttings from it just before we left for Wales and shoved them directly into the soil in small windowsill pots. They have taken root and tripled in size so I’d better find a recipe for mint sauce ASAP!

Wednesday, 16 July 2008

"Picnics? Bah! Humbug" I don't think so!

The author of this post in the Guardian's Word of Mouth food blog posits that picnics are a disappointment.

I'm afraid I had to disagree, not to mention provide a comparison to the Indian take on eating outdoors. Here's what I posted as a comment to that article:

"Ha! If you think the Brits have odd ideas about eating outside you should try an Indian-style picnic. Born here to parents who emigrated from India I've experienced many of these strange outdoor meals, both in India and here in the UK.

The problem boils down to the fact that Indians haven't quite cottoned on to the idea of making different dishes for picnics to those they make and eat for regular hot meals indoors. This results in a desperate attempt to keep various curries and freshly cooked breads warm at the same time as keeping cold drinks cold. Of course, that never quite works. And, although Indian Indians are adept at eating such dishes with their fingers, I (and most non-Indian Brits too) just can't master it!

But a good old British picnic? Bring it on! Whether it's a supermarket dash of sarnies, sausage rolls, crisps and cakes or a more elegant, home-cooked affair with home-made pies, quiches and scotch eggs, wonderful salads (take the dressing in a separate container and there are no soggy salads to be seen), freshly-baked cakes and fresh fruit for dessert, I'm happy!

Of course, there are always the downsides of ants, wasps, rain and dog poo to contend with but a bit of careful planning in terms of location and weather forecasts should help avoid those!

Now, if the summer ever comes back, where did I put my picnic hamper and coolboxes?"

Saturday, 12 July 2008

Gordon Ramsay let me down!

I've been meaning to try a "proper" ragu recipe for ages, especially with the regular threads that pop about such recipes on a food chat board I visit.

Yesterday I looked through the recipes recommended there and also googled and narrowed it down to two recipe choices:

Gordon Ramsay's Slow-braised ragù Bolognese

fxcuisine's Serious Ragù Bolognese

Although I'd originally wanted to try one that includes milk (which is said to tenderise the meat) I settled on Gordon Ramsay's version because I didn't really want to be left with most of a bottle of dry white wine.


Friday, 4 July 2008

A free 1274 grams of Edzell Blue potatoes!

Last year the variety of potatoes we grew was Edzell Blue. We must have left one or two tiny spuds unharvested as we've been watching with glee as some rather large and verdant potato foliage emerged in last year's potato location.

Pete harvested them today and we have 1274 grams of beautiful purple-skinned potatoes! We'll have a portion for dinner served with some lovely fresh "chocolate mint" leaves from a plant I recently bought from a garden centre.

Friday, 6 June 2008

Yay! First home-grown produce of 2008 for dinner!

Tonight we ate our first home-grown produce of 2008 - a lovely small yellow courgette. We just had a simple salad (having eaten a big lunch) with cos lettuce, baby plum tomatoes, sliced dry-fried red pepper and a "dressing" which was actually just the extra low fat creme fraiche with some french mustard mixed in. The courgette was just sliced in half along it's length and also dry-fried.

So sweet and tender.

Nothing like picking something from your own garden and eating it less than an hour later!

We've steadily been increasing the amount we've grown over the past few years and as now the shiny new greenhouse is finished we're off and running! My mum gave me two small courgette plants as she'd ended up with quite a few from her seedlings which is just as well as the seedlings we planted this year simply didn't germinate at all! Also in the greenhouse are three tomato plants (different varieties), two pepper plants (doing OK but not great) and an aubergine plant (struggling). And seedlings for carrots and sweetcorn that need to be planted out. Outside we've got garlic, red onion, leeks (very tiny still) and the first earlies. We also have a large plant from one of last year's spuds we managed to leave in the ground. The maincrop spuds are loooong overdue to be planted so we'll try and do on Sunday.

Friday, 2 May 2008

Restaurant Review: Silk restaurant, Great Marlborough St, London

A friend and I met for dinner at Silk this evening.

I picked it (only this morning) because I was intrigued by the idea of Indian Thai fusion, had read some good reviews about both the food and the service, had also read that the setting itself was very nice and saw that it happened to have a toptable offer on at the moment.

It's located within the Kempinski Hotel (which is diagonally opposite Liberty and opposite the top end of Carnaby Street). The room itself used to be the Number One Court and is small but rather grand. The vaulted glass ceiling, far, far above the diners, lets in lots of light which means the very high, oak-panelled walls don't seem as imposing as they otherwise might. The judge's bench, dock and witness stand are still present which results in tables on different levels. And there can't be more than 25 covers in the whole room.

Silk on Urbanspoon


Friday, 18 April 2008

Mini Restaurant Review: Dim Sum at Gerrard's Corner, China Town, London

One of my long-time regular China Town haunts for dim sum is Gerrard's Corner (on the corner of Gerrard and Wardour).

I'd arranged to meet an out-of-town friend and her husband there for a dim sum lunch. I met Carol l on a foodie chat board and we've met a few times at GTGs now. Although she's my mum's age we have so much in common and are very much alike.

Over a couple of chat-filled hours, we slowly worked our way through 16 dim sum items!

Whelks with satay sauce
King prawn dumplings
Seafood and scallop dumplings
Paper wrapped prawns
Crispy bbq pork puff pastry
Deep fried squid
Deep fried stuffed prawns with sugar cane
Steamed lobster dumplings (x 2)
Octopus thai style
Deep fried dough stick cheung fun
Scallop cheung fun
Yam croquette
Glutinous rice in lotus leaf
Deep fried prawn rolls with garlic
Crab and mashed prawn dumplings

All washed down with copious amounts of tea (Jasmine for them, Oolong for me) it was a bargain at only £15 each!

Tuesday, 8 April 2008

Off The Cuff Port, Shropshire Blue and Cream Sauce

Just thought I'd share a very simple steak sauce I made on Saturday night ... I made it up as I went but it came out very well.

I used a flat-bottomed and heavy-based cast aluminium pan that I allowed to get really hot before cooking the rump steaks (oiled the meat not the pan) to medium-rare (which was pure guess work but spot on).

The steaks were then put aside in covered dish to rest.

Turned the heat down to low.

With the pan still hot from the higher heat I'd been using for the steaks, I sloshed in a generous glug of sweet red port which bubbled fiercely and immediately reduced. Within 30 seconds I had a thick, sticky reduction.

To that I added a very generous glug of double cream and stirred the two together to create a beautiful pink sauce.

Into that I threw a generous handful of crumbled Shropshire Blue (had been thinking of Stilton when deciding what to eat a few hours earlier but remembered I had a chunk of this that I bought back from Wales with me). Stirred until the cheese melted in.

Pete was, in the meantime, making a creamy mash (with home-grown potatoes) which he served onto the plate along with the steaks. I mixed the juices that had come out of the meat during resting into the sauce before serving.

It was GORGEOUS! Far better than I expected having so completely made it up! And we've not had steaks come out so well before either!

Sunday, 6 April 2008

I've finally found a beer for Kaveys!

I was working at a client site on Friday; Pete was at home. In our emails discussing what to have for dinner Pete mentioned that he'd gone to the Tallyho pub for lunch at that they had a beer festival on and did I fancy going there for dinner. I am not usually keen as I've been disappointed with the food at this Wetherspoon's pub more times than I can count. But you've got to keep a husband sweet by playing to his beerloving now and again so I agreed!

Not only was my meal really good but we found a beer I really, really liked!

It's called Namyslow Original Plum Beer and it's Polish, made by a brewery that's been brewing since 1321. It's a dark red-brown colour and it's bitterness is balanced by fruity sweetness. Gorgeous!

The only downside is that the brewery doesn't bottle so, short of buying it by the barrel, I'm left hoping the Tallyho bring it back for another beer fest sometime soon!

Wednesday, 5 March 2008

Restaurant Review: Moti Mahal, London (3rd Visit)

Toptable had an offer giving 50% off the £30 set menu at Moti Mahal so I booked it for dinner with a friend last night.

My friend arrived first and was waiting in the little seating area next to the bar. We took the bowl of spiced cashew nuts they bought over with our drinks across to the dinner table with us and made quick work of them!

On being seated we were served a complimentary amuse bouche. This was a miniature mug of pea and mint soup topped with a teeny-tiny naan bread topped itself with a little dollop of a fresh tomato chutney. The soup was delicious and warming. Lovely.

For our starter we both had Tandoor grilled salmon with honey and dill, smoked salmon and bell pepper mousse, summer berry chutney.


Did I say we bought a 4-5 kilo bag of carrots last weekend?

Silly me. We've used over 1.5 kilos so far (1 for the soup and another half since) and just weighed the remaining. There's just under 7 kilos left!

For £2!

At Martine's VERY cunning suggestion we're making LOTS more of the carrot and coriander soup we made recently plus some fresh bread too for the meal we're catering at Centre Parks this weekend. That'll get rid of another 1.5 kilos at least!

Saturday, 1 March 2008

Variation on Angela Nilsen's Carrot and Coriander Soup

On the way to somewhere else we passed a farm shop and popped in for a quick look. We ended up buying a huge bag of carrots for £2. I think about 4 or 5 kilos!

Coincidentally, last weekend we picked up The Ultimate Recipe Book by Angela Nilsen, featuring a rather handy Carrot and Coriander Soup recipe!

Since we also had a large bunch of coriander leftover from last weekend's Indian feast we decided to make the soup and also to try Nilsen's soda bread (to compare it to the recipe I use currently).

The soup was delicious! I absolutely loved it and Pete really liked it too.

We did adjust the recipe. As per the recipe we stripped the coriander leaves from the stems and put the stems in with the carrots, potato, stock etc. The rest we were meant to half; chopping one half to sprinkle over/ stir in to the soup after blending and blitzing the other with some olive oil into an oily paste to drizzle over the finished soup (with some single cream) once in the bowls, for presentation. Since we were freezing more than half of the soup we decided to put all the fresh coriander leaves into the soup at the blending stage giving us a beautiful greeney-orange soup rather than the bright orange one we would have got otherwise.

Ingredients (adjusted)
• 25g butter
• 1 tbsp sunflower/veg oil
• 1 medium onion
• 3 plump cloves of garlic
• 40-50g coriander, including stems
• 500g carrots
• 100g potatoes
• 1 teaspoon coriander powder
• 1/2 teaspoon cumin seeds
• 1.5 pints vegetable stock

Instructions (for adjusted version)
1. Peel and dice onion
2. Peel and chop garlic
3. Peel (or just scrub for young, fresh carrots) and slice or dice carrots
4. Peel and roughly dice potatoes
5. Heat butter and oil in large pan/ stock pot.
6. Gently fry onion and garlic until soft, at least 5 minutes, probably longer.
7. Add carrots, potatoes and coriander stems (don't bother to remove leaves completely from stems, just chop off and throw in the visible stems below the leafy tops) and cook for another 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.
8. Add cumin seeds and coriander powder and stir/ mix well for a minute.
9. Pour in stock, bring to boil, lower the heat and cook, covered for about half an hour until carrots and potatoes are soft.
10. Turn off heat and leave to cool for a while.
11. Once cool enough to easily handle stir in coriander leaves and blitz in blender or food processor, in batches if necessary.
12. Season to taste and serve or freeze!

Did I say GORGEOUS?! This is definitely one we'll be making again!

The soda bread was nice enough; lighter than my existing recipe since it had no oatmeal in it at all. But I think I like the oatmeal one a little more and will stick to the recipe I've already been using.

Wednesday, 27 February 2008

The Ultimate Recipe Book by Angela Nilsen

A few days ago I picked up a copy (for less than half price) of The Ultimate Recipe Book produced by the BBC Good Food magazine, written by Angela Nilsen.

I read almost all of it through the same night.

Nilsen has picked 50 classic recipes and not only researched the history of each one but looked up as many recipes and variations as she can, sought advice from top chefs and experts and then tried out different options until she's achieved her ultimate version of each dish.

I love the way that each recipe includes an introduction to the dish, comments from various chefs and experts and then feedback on some of the steps she took during the trial process which really helps understand why she's gone for the final ingredients and steps she provides for the final recipe.

Most, but not all have photos of the finished dish.

I'll be trying out recipes soon!

Tuesday, 26 February 2008

Kitchen Equipment Geeks

Pete and I are definitely becoming kitchen equipment geeks. Hence this long and rambling post about our new pans, ice-cream machine and food processor!


Wednesday, 20 February 2008

Very Mini Restaurant Review: Mestizo, nr Warren Street, London

On Monday I met a friend for dinner. We went to a Mexican restaurant called Mestizo which was an interesting experience. Not the nicest of immediate locales, though perfectly safe and only a 2 minute walk from Warren Street tube station. The food was better than most Mexican I've tried in the UK (which is usuallyTex-Mex rather than Mex). Quite meat and cheese heavy but I enjoyed it and it was very reasonably priced too. They also have a tequila bar which a very extensive tequila menu, for those interested.

Sunday, 27 January 2008

My Dough Elephant from La Lotta

Our favourite local Italian restaurant, La Lotta, is practically our second home - we go there far too often. :-)

Bob, the manager, is very good with kids and often invites the younger ones to make things from a piece of pizza dough which he then cooks in the pizza oven and either lets them have or puts up on the wall above the pizza oven.

As I'm a big kid I first asked to do the same on my birthday, some years ago. I've occasionally done so again since. So when we were there with a friend recently and the restaurant was unusually empty, I decided to indulge.

I made the penguin first. It's bad I know which may be because I used a rabbit cookie-cutter, then twisted the rabbit ears and head to one side so the ears made a beak, then cut one ear off, then added wings. Not good. So I was thinking aloud what to make next when Pete threw down the elephant challenge. I think he was trying to think of something I would make an even bigger mess of but oddly enough, the elephant came out rather well. The ear sprang back to a smaller size as I stuck it onto the body making this look more like an Asian elephant than the Africa one I'd actually intended. But the body puffed up like a calzone which was rather cool and the lines I'd knifed onto the trunk are actually visible!

Rather like a proud 5 year old, I'm rather too pleased with my efforts, which now adorn the wall above the pizza oven. They replaced the lizard/gecko thing I'd made a year or so previously as the head had fallen off anyway!!!

Monday, 7 January 2008

Blue Slushy Rocks!

Taken on New YEar's Day after slurping a lovely blue slushy!

I know it's not sharp but I was holding the camera infront of my face and just guessing and probably moved during exposure!